Veronika 2024

Veronika Kruta special mini-seminar and Practica

Don’t miss this chance to experience the imaginative, thoughtful and amazing instruction from one of the great teachers in the Argentine Tango world.

On November 8th, 2024 master teacher and Providence Tango friend from Buenos Aires and Western Mass, Veronika Kruta, will be holding two special related classes followed by a Practica.

—-  Composition for Leaders & Followers  —-
Class 1: Dancing with sentences, grammar and punctuation
Class 2: What Leaders & Followers Need To Know About Each Other.

Best to take them both, or take either one on its own.

Veronika is available for privates on Friday afternoon, and possibly Saturday early.  Please contact Veronika directly (see below) to arrange.

Vero in BA Street


In her own words:
I am a yoga and tango instructor based in Buenos Aires. I offer vinyasa and yin yoga classes on-demand, including my signature yoga for tango dancers and yoga fusion (a body conditioning workout for dancers). I also teach tango classes in person and online by zoom and organize in-person yoga and tango retreats in Argentina. Occasionally I travel to teach and perform abroad.

See more about Veronika’s tango and yoga offerings here:

SPECIAL Visiting Teacher  -Veronika Kruta- mini-seminar and Practica

Providence Tango is excited and so happy to bring our friend and master teacher Veronika Kruta from Buenos Aires (with roots in Western Massachusetts).  Veronika is visiting Providence Tango while she is still in the USA having finished her “USA Tour”.

On Friday November 8th she will be teaching two classes followed by a 3 hour Practica, starting at 6:30 pm ending at 11:30 pm.

SCHEDULE for Friday November 8, 2024:

6:30 to 7:30 pm  (please note early start!)
Class 1: Dancing with sentences, grammar and punctuation

7:30 to 8:30 pm
Class 2: What Leaders & Followers Need To Know About Each Other

8:30 to 11:30 pm  (note later ending time – more dancing)

PRICING – (please purchase in advance):

Cost Savings
Whole package (2 classes + Practica) $40.00 $10.00
1 Class + Practica $30.00 $5.00
Two classes $25.00 $5.00
Practica only $20.00
Class one only $15.00
Class two only $15.00


Veronika is available for one hour private individual or couple lessons on Friday afternoon and possibly Saturday time slots.

Privates are available on a first come first served basis.  Sign up early, this is a great opportunity for individual targeted lessons by a world class instructor.  Contact Veronika directly.
US phone number for calls and texts: 413-363-3840.
Whatsapp with an Argentinian number, +54 911-3023-6977.

Cost is a sliding scale of $90-$120 based on your budget.
Please contact Veronika directly directly by using the contact form at the bottom of her web site:  Include your name, preferred time(s), and availability.
Or, reach out to for more contact options.
Friday privates will be at the Mediator, and Saturday privates will be at a location in Providence.

Get Special Pricing – Buy your package NOW!

SPECIAL Veronika Kruta mini-seminar and Practica

Friday November 8, 2024
2 Classes: 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Practica: 8:30 to 11:30 pm
Cost: see package prices
No partner necessary

50 Rounds Ave
Providence, RI

These classes are all-level classes meant for tango dancer from Advanced to those who have completed the Providence Tango Beginner’s series or equivalent.  No partner necessary, we switch partners throughout the lesson.  Participants may choose to lead or follow in class regardless of gender.  If you are not comfortable dancing in class with everyone, please contact one of the instructors in advance.  You may want to consider private lessons or come with a partner to work with for the whole class.

Our classes are open to everyone.  All genders and sexual orientations are welcome.

Providence Tango no longer requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination for indoor events. If you have tested positive recently or been exposed to someone who has tested positive, or you are exhibiting symptoms, please wait to come to our events on a later date.

Purchase Tickets HERE

November 8, 2024
Veronika Classes + Practica

Name of Student *
Preferred dance role
Select Ticket Package

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